Dust in the Wind
35mm Slide Installation | Color | Sound, Live Narration | 7 mins (loop)
Dust in the Wind is a single channel 35mm slide installation, made of 80 photographic slides of a site-specific translucent white flag flying on Elephant Hill in east Los Angeles. Spliced in between the images are fragmented texts, sourced from the English subtitles in the Taiwanese film 戀戀風塵 Dust in the Wind (Hou Hsiao Hsien, 1986). The Taiwanese voiceover can be performed live by the artist or with audio playback.
The work explores the obscurity of a liminal state, things caught in the in-between, immersed in the surreal and real, static yet in motion, not in one place nor the other, language and translation, lost and regain.
MONO NO AWARE XVI, New York, 2022
Dissolving Sights, Automata, Los Angeles, 2018
MONO NO AWARE XVI, New York, 2022
Dissolving Sights, Automata, Los Angeles, 2018
Artist Statement
Dust in the Wind draws upon my experience as a Taiwanese individual immigrated to the United States, vacillating between two places and languages.
My legal status in the US is similar to the site Elephant Hill. Despite efforts to keep it ownerless, it has been under constantly changing authority in the past years. The translucent white flag represents my emotional response, caught in a perpetual loop of incomplete translation, yet longing for peace and acceptance in the 'grey' zone.
* Dust in the Wind can be presented as a stand alone slide installation or an durational piece with live reading.